Variable, unstable, moveable, moving in waves, erratic, volatile, inconsistent.
On the one hand this could simply refer to the membraneous ripples of reticulation on the surface of the lithostone, describing the fluid moveable drawing technique.
On the other, these abstract 'erratic' embodiments, vaguely familiar, echoing biological structures, could allude to a bigger conceit, …..the ever present anxiety of escalating climate crisis, with its unpredictable outcomes, deviations of natural order, threatening ecological chaos.
Yet still there is beauty to be found in this gallery of variables, a fluid logic, an untameable force.
Variable, unstable, moveable, moving in waves, erratic, volatile, inconsistent.
On the one hand this could simply refer to the membraneous ripples of reticulation on the surface of the lithostone, describing the fluid moveable drawing technique.
On the other, these abstract 'erratic' embodiments, vaguely familiar, echoing biological structures, could allude to a bigger conceit, …..the ever present anxiety of escalating climate crisis, with its unpredictable outcomes, deviations of natural order, threatening ecological chaos.
Yet still there is beauty to be found in this gallery of variables, a fluid logic, an untameable force.